Saturday, August 27, 2011

Just a waiting game

I think we are good....just waiting to see if I will need to move my scrapbooking to higher ground later on the meantime I did a layout for Sketches in Thyme "open" challenge
I went with Tiffany and her layout choice from Once upon a Sketch.
I love this picture of our little Aubrey look at those little toes and her smile...she is always smiling...Love ya Aubrey hard to believe you started out as a preemie...

Well that's it for now...I am off to make lunch then back to scrapbooking...

1 comment:

Jinny Newlin said...

Gorgeous, bold, bright colors! And that cake looks good enough to eat! Thanks for delivering so many fantastic layouts to the Sketches in Thyme gallery this month, Angie!