Man Wednesday already..where does the time go??
I have been pretty busy keeping up with my different design team projects and
in the back of my mind I am thinking Halloween projects....So one of these days you might see some Halloween or maybe even Christmas..
Here are a few layouts I did the past few days.
I have never bought any scrapbooking kits...the other day I decided to give Lucky Girl Crafts a try...I got 2 kits and wow they were packed with all kinds of goodness.. They are having something special now if you tell them that I sent you I could win something so go check them out and tell them Scrapydoglover sent you...Here is the first layout I did with one of the kits.
Oh man until I posted and read over my post I did not even relize that I used the same photo of my granddaughter....I sometimes scrap the same photo a few times and now you can see that I do..I dont mind becuase most likley these layouts will end up in different albums and go to different people.
Your LOs rock!! I have this same kit and i agree... so much good stuff!! I love the way you did the banner on the second LO! Total cuteness!! And what a darling picture... can't blame you for using it twice!!
barb :)
Too cute! I love your use of the fun, bright emebellies from the Lucky Girl kit. Thanks for the shout-out!
Scrap happy-
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